Millennial homebuyers are taking out larger FHA-backed mortgage loans year-over-year, according to November data from the Ellie Mae Millennial Tracker: 26 percent of all closed loans to millennials were for FHA loans. They had an average loan size of $186,454, up from $178,862 year-to-year and $170,167 in two years. Conventional loans accounted for 69 percent of closed loans made to millennials during the same period, with an average loan amount of $211,268. 2 percent of loans were for VA loans; three percent were unspecified. Men were listed as the primary borrower for 56 percent of FHA loans. Women were listed on 35 percent, and nine percent were unspecified. It took an average 43 days to close both FHA and conventional loans across the country compared to an average of 42 days for all loans. In November, 89 percent of all loans closed by millennials were for purchases, 10 percent for refinances. Interest rates on all loans rose to 5.1 percent, the highest per...